It’s the end of temporary insolvency measures

Published: 15/09/2021 By Hannah McCormack

HMRC have just issued a press release to confirm the temporary measures that were bought in to support businesses from insolvency during COVID 19 will be shutting down from 1st October 2021.

Companies that have been facing money worries due to the pandemic have been protected from creditor action since June 2020, even though this protection is due to be phased out the new measures will provide help to smaller companies to allow them time to get back on their feet financially.
Read HMRC’s press release here for further details including what the new legislation will be.

As always if you are struggling financially, please get in touch as soon as possible, our insolvency experts can provide an array of solutions including business turnaround , call today for a free meeting on 020 8661 7878 or email