Our new accredited real Living Wage status!

Published: 10/02/2022 By Hannah McCormack

We are proud to announce we are now an accredited Real Living London Wage Employer!

    But what does that mean….

The UK living wage not to be confused with the government minimum wage and the national living wage is the only wage that is based on living costs and calculated independently based on what people need to get by. It’s a voluntary scheme which encourages employers to ensure their employees earn a wage that meets the real cost of living not just the minimum the government sets.

The diagram below shows the difference between the government rates and the Real Living Wage which we provide to all our employees and any externally contracted staff at the higher London rate.

Our Senior Partner Martin Armstrong commented the following on our new accreditation:

“It is important that tba have become a recognised Living London Wage Employer. Ensuring staff at every level are compensated adequately and made to feel valued in their roles is a key element in recognising their hard work and commitment to tba.” 

We currently have a number of vacancies, so if you are interested in being employed by a Living Wage employer visit our careers page here or send your cv to jobs@turpinba.co.uk