Published: 16/05/2024 By Hannah Duncan
In today’s fast-paced and demanding work environments it’s no wonder the statistics for work related mental health issues are astonishing high. Increasing workloads and deadlines coupled in with the strains of other life stresses are taking a toll on employee’s well-being. As this week is Mental Health Awareness week, we wanted to reiterate how important it is to recognise when you or even a college may need to take some extra care of your mental health.Everyone’s stresses, worries or anxieties look different, what can be a huge deal for one may not even register with another, therefore its important to understand everyone is different and something that you may think is not a big deal could be the last straw for someone else. Mental Health Awareness week is designed to break the negative stigma behind mental health and to remind us to be respectful of individual personal situations, boundaries and levels of stress.
Communication is key
Within the workplace allowing staff and your colleges a safe space to communicate is key. Everyone is busy but are you too busy to offer support to a stressed colleague? A helpful phone call or perhaps some assistance with an outstanding job could make all the difference to that person’s day, at the cost of a few minutes of your time. Be patient and considerate to those around you at work, but equally don’t be afraid to speak up if you are the one struggling. Be understanding as well as encouraging to your peers and those around you in the office, one compliment or praise for a job well done could easily boost a colleagues mood and get them through the day smiling.
There are a number of amazing charities that support mental health, as a firm we have a corporate social responsibility and try to support as many charities as we can. Previously we have supported Mind; this week they have launched #NoMindLeftBehind campaign in order to raise awareness for mental health. Other charities include the Samaritans who are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Another charity that we have raised money for is Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) who’s mission is to help stop suicide. For Mental Health Awareness week CALM are asking everyone to make suicide prevention a priority today and every day.
A tip from one of the Partners here at turpin barker armstrong:

Everyone has their own methods of coping with stress, anxiety and other mental health concerns; lets take Mental Health Awareness week as a reminder to not only be kinder to others but also to ourselves. Take time out and make sure we are enjoying what is important and makes us smile. Laugh with colleagues, big up your colleagues’ achievements, share your success stories as well as worries, concerns and fears in order to create a supportive and understanding workforce.