Do your clients need insolvency advice?

Published: 01/07/2020 By Jane Price

If you or your clients need any financial advice then please get in touch.  We are always happy to discuss any scenarios that you come across where you feel that our opinion may be helpful.  We have a full range of insolvency and advisory options including personal and corporate.  

On the corporate side we deal with small owner manager businesses through to the more high profile cases. For example, we were recently appointed as Joint Administrators of Bertram Books which received media coverage.

We are coming across a wide variety of clients at the moment, some needing immediate insolvency advice whereas others just need assistance with planning and to talk through options such as the government support, practical steps to take, cashflows, director duties, etc.

Do get in touch when the need arises or if you would like to know more about how we may be able to assist.  

Call 020 8661 7878 or email or fill out our contact form here and we will call you.