Published: 06/01/2021 By Jane Price
At the start of 2020 retailers across the UK knew only too well that it was going to be a tough year as customers were continuing to be lost to online competition. In hindsight this problem was not the only one to be endured and was just the tip of the iceberg! No one could have predicted the upheaval Covid-19 has brought to us all.Many businesses have cut jobs and closed premises. We have all seen in the news that many famous retailers have had no choice but to attempt to secure a formal rescue deal just to try to survive the storm.
Sadly for lots of businesses, not only retailers, they just can’t be saved.
Debenhams, Peacocks, Jaeger, Edinburgh Wollen Mill, Arcadia Group, Mothercare, Beales, Oliver Sweeney, TM Lewin, Carphone Warehouse, Cath Kidston have all been affected by the pandemic. Some were already in trouble way before the pandemic but for many Coronavirus was the final blow and sadly closed their doors on the high street for good.
Few have not closed completely instead attempting a move on-line.
If your business is struggling, give us a call before its too late, the sooner you call the more options may be available to you.
Call us on 020 8661 7878 or email