Are one in 10 businesses dying or simply Zombies?

Published: 19/02/2019 By Seb Elledge

A new study has found that 11% of UK Companies are simply paying interest on debts rather than paying the debts themselves.

Thanks to low interest rates at the moment, some companies are able to survive this way in uncertain financial times.

R3 have conducted a study based on 1,200 companies and the findings are staggering. 16% of companies have to negotiate payments terms with creditors whilst 12% were unable to pay their debts as and when they fell due (rendering them “cash- flow” insolvent).

Could this be a larger problem than we are being led to believe?

If you are struggling to pay your company debts we strongly recommend seeking advice as soon as possible. We offer a free, no obligations initial meeting and have found the sooner directors come to us the more options we may have available for them.

Contact us today, call 020 8661 7878 or email  to speak to one of our expert advisors.

Read the original R3 article here