Is your tax bill overdue? Do you need help negotiating payment plans with HMRC?

Published: 09/05/2023 By Hannah McCormack

If you are struggling to pay your tax bill, don't despair, you could set up a Time to Pay (TTP) arrangement with HMRC.
An agreement can be set up between the taxpayer and HMRC which would allow the taxpayer to pay any outstanding tax over an extended period of time or by an agreed date. Time to Pay arrangements allow some breathing space for those who may be struggling financially but still have a viable business. Rather than getting further into debt an arrangement can be set up based on individual circumstances. 
As licensed Insolvency Practitioners we are experts in business turnaround, we are here to help your business survive, we are not looking for the final liquidation route for every company we help. We can liaise with HMRC on your behalf if a revised tax payment plan is required in order to sustain the business. The sooner we are contacted the more options will be available.
Let us help you in agreeing a Time to Pay arrangement with HMRC, call us on 020 8661 7878 or email or visit our webpage