Monthly UK insolvency statistics – August 2022

Published: 21/09/2022 By Hannah McCormack

Here is our monthly run down on how many insolvencies took place in August, compared to the same time in previous years:

All the data is taken from the monthly stats created by the insolvency service.

As you can see from the graph below overall numbers of insolvencies are still much higher than before the first lockdown. The graph shows the data from August 2019 to August 2022 for company insolvencies in England and Wales, as you can see Creditors' Voluntary Liquidations (CVLs) remain the highest they have been in the last 3 years, however, numbers for other types of company insolvencies, such as compulsory liquidations, remained lower than before the pandemic.  

There were 1,933 registered company insolvencies in August 2022 in England & Wales

  • 43% higher than the same month a year ago which was 1348 in August 2021
  • 42% higher than pre-pandemic times, 3 years ago - 1,365 in August 2019 

These figures are made up as follows:

Creditors Voluntary Liquidations = 1,662 (33% - higher than in August 2021 and 73% higher than in August 2019)
Compulsory liquidations = 142 (274% - 3.7 times higher than August 2021 but 27% lower than August 2019)
Administrations = 116 (111% higher than August 2021 but 34% lower than 2019)
Company Voluntary Arrangements = 13 (550% - 6.5 times higher than in August 2021 but 57% lower than 2019)
Receivership =0
Moratorium = 40 between June 2020 & August 2022

Could a Moratorium give you the necessary breathing space to save your business?  Find out  here.   

Want to know more about each Insolvency Procedure listed above? click each link below for our insolvency advice pages or give us a call for a more detailed chat:

Company Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)
Compulsory Liquidations or winding up by the court

Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)
Company Administration